Verified Information Member VIM








Members with New Status 
Normal registered users who sign up to use the free services are still relatively anonymous, we do not really know who they are, although we do have their ISP email and other contact details. Many other details are still not verified, such as their name, Address, phone number and mailing details. They will remain as new members either till they apply to become a VIM member or have traded in our community for three months and received 20 positive feedbacks and maintained their account in good standing. At which time they will become Basic Verified Information Members.

What is a Basic Verified Information Member?
All basic verified users will have a special icon attached beside their User ID in all their trading activities. This serves to tell members that they have been verified by time and shown honest dealings and are serious in trading with other members.

What is a Bronze Verified Information Member?
A Bronze Verified Information Member is a member who has registered an account with us either voluntarily or for the fact that they do not have a ISP provided e-mail address, and submitted a personalized check and 2 other forms of identification such as a drivers license for further verification.

All Bronze verified users will have a special icon  attached beside their User ID in all their trading activities. This serves to tell members that they have been verified by and are serious in trading with other members.

How do I become a Verified Member? 
It's so easy. Just follow the following 2 steps and you will be verified.

1.   Send us an e-mail at Verified Information Member Dept. and notify us that you want to become a verified member.We will send you by email the forms and directions on how to become a VIM Member.

2.   What is Required: We will immediately email you the necessary forms which you will then be requested to fill out in full and submit a personalized check(the check must show your name and address) payable to Ezead Holdings for the sum of twenty dollars along with a copy of your drivers licence, phone bill, or hydro bill or any other bill or statement showing only your address. We will deposit this check and immediately credit your account $50.00 to be used in any manner by you. This check along with your Verified Information Member Application and any two other pieces of identification should be mailed to:

22106 Dewdney Trunk Road
Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 3H6
Phone (604)-476-7777
1-800(to come)
Fax (604)-466-4925

Walk-in at the above address or any of our Affilated VIM or Reseller Vim Locations a list of which can be veiwed.

You will again submit a personalized check for twenty dollars, which will be immediately applied to your account (PLUS WE ADD AN ADDITIONAL $30.00 CREDIT) and provide two pieces of identification. There will be no cost or fees incurred to you to become a verified member, as your account will be immediately be given a FIFTY DOLLAR CREDIT which you can use in any way for services on our site. In fact we pay you to be become a verified member.

What benefits do I get if I become a Verified Member?
1.   Added security - As a Bronze Verified Member, you are given a higher status level than a new or basic VIM members. Other traders will want to trade with you, as they know you have been gone through the verification process. We will guarentee all your selling transactions up to a limit of $300.00 per transaction.

2.   Exclusive auctions - Once you are verified, you will be given the choice to deal with only other verified members in our Vim Forums, and VIM Chat Lounges . This will allow you to communicate with members bith bidders and sellers who are serious members of the Community.

3.   Icon attachment When you deal, every time your user ID is displayed, a special icon will trail your user ID to show that you have verified yourself.

4.   Added highlight options - Ability to use the Bronze VIM Icon to highlight your listing.

5.   Priority Customer Support - You can reach the online help 24 hours a day on the live person link and if needed be given a special telephone number to help resolve problems.

6.   Special Auctions - When special auctions are held by sellers on any site with premium products, sellers can elect to only allow verified members to bid on them.

7.   Priority Fraud Checking - In the event of any fraud cases, we will endeavour to track down and resolve all cases in the shortest time possible. This is not saying we will not pursue any questions of fraudulent trading just that we will give priority to VIM Members.

8.   Credit card transactions - In the future, members will be able to use this feature.

9.   More benefits and privileges are on the way ! It is true that membership does have its privledges and since you have taken the time to apply and receive you VIM status, we will give your account priority. After all this is a very quick and painless way to establish your good name in our trading community.

What if I want to increase my level of a Verified Information Member?
Different Types of Memberships

Verified Member - Bronze
Any member who has registered and gone through the above mentioned verification process.

Verified Member - Silver

Any member who has registered and gone through the above mentioned verification, will also have to get their credit worthiness verified.

We will send out e-mail with a special application form. Upon receiving the e-mail, they are requested to fill it out in full with all fields, and allow us to do a credit check and they will sign a legal binding agreement that they will conduct themselves in all tranactions in a appropriate manner.

Have a genuine positive feedback rating, posting or sales of more than 50 items
  Maintained and have clean records in their feedback profile over the last 3 months.

What benefits do I get if I become a Silver Verified Member?
1.   Added security - As a Silver Verified Member, you are given a higher status level than a basic or Bronze VIM members. Other traders will want to trade with you, as they know you have been gone through the Silver verification process. We will guarentee all your selling transactions up to a limit of $500.00 per transaction.

2.   Icon attachment When you deal, every time your user ID is displayed, a special icon  will trail your user ID to show that you have verified yourself to rate a Silver Vim Icon.

3.   Added highlight options - Ability to use the Silver VIM Icon to highlight your listing.

4.   Plus all of the other advantages that a Bronze VIM Member is afforded.

 Verified Member - Gold
Any member who has registered and gone through the above mentioned two verification processes, and meet the following conditions :

  Bronze status and Silver status verification
  Have a genuine posting or sales of more than 200 items.
  Will need to have 2 credit cards verified and on file.
  Maintained and have clean records in their feedback profile over the last 3 months.

What benefits do I get if I become a Verified Gold Member?
1.   Added security - As a Gold Verified Member, you are given a higher status level than a Bronze or Silver VIM members. Other traders will trade with confidence with you, as they know you have been gone through the Gold verification process. We will guarentee all your selling transactions up to a limit of $1000.00 per transaction.

2.   Icon attachment When you deal, every time your user ID is displayed, a special icon will trail your user ID to show that you have verified yourself.

3.   Added highlight options - Ability to use the Full Size Gold VIM Icon to highlight your listing.

4.   Plus all the other advantages of the Bronze and Silver VIM Members

What if I want to increase my level of a Verified Information Member Beyond Gold?
Gold is the Highest VIM Level but you Can Become a Affilate Agent Member, A Reseller Agent Member and Finally a Affiliated Auction Member

Below are the Links to explain these types of VIM Member status available

Affiliate Certified Vendor Program - Explained Here
Franchised City or Regional Website and Ezead Community Service Representative - Explained Here
Franchised Ezeacution Drop Off Auction Program - Explained Here