EzAuction.co How It Works

EzAuction.co How It Works

We help you to improve the profitability of Your Business and/or dispose of your excess items

by using our advanced eCommerce techniques and options

Choosing Our Services

 Which Selling solutions are right for you or your organization?

 How Much involvement and what role do you want to play in disposing of your excess items or inventory?

Check out and Decide which method of sale is best for your particular situation? We offer all forms of advertising and methods of disposing of your items
Just Choose Which Method Works Best For You or Your Organization!!

Your First Option Is That We Totally Control The Sale Process!!

Have Us Place Your Auction Or Auctions With You Taking Control From That Point?

You can reduce your consignment fee costs by having us cataloque, photograph and place your item up for sale, at which point you and/or your staff want to take over total control and dispostion of the sale from that point?

We charge only our flat rate set fees for this option but you must ensure that the you are prepared & and want to carry through with all points in the transaction from this point?